Fabric Materials
You can choose from a wide range of fabric types to decorate your scene, selecting from pre-built options or creating custom textures from pre-existing bases.
Last updated
You can choose from a wide range of fabric types to decorate your scene, selecting from pre-built options or creating custom textures from pre-existing bases.
Last updated
Fabric type materials (exept Cammo) use UV ๏ธ coordinates for their mapping. Make sure that you have done proper UV mapping ๏ธ to get the desired result.
There are currently 12 different patterns available, each of which already includes several variations. This means you have a wide range of options to customize your design.
Are prefabs boring? Choose the Base materials and have fun creating!
Some macro renderings of materials
Want to give your fabric an even more personal touch? Upload a custom image and create a truly unique effect. You could use a photo, drawing or any other image you like.
By connecting textures to sockets in unconventional ways, you can create effects that will amaze yourself and your customers!
A series of images showing what the shaders look like
A Macro image of the camouflage fabric
A Macro image of the cloth fabric